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Out of School Club

We are dedicated to creating a safe, happy, secure and relaxed environment for the children in our Out of School Club, We offer a diverse range of activities and games to reflect the interests of the children in our care. Our OSC is situated in the main school building, utilising both the community room and school hall as its primary spaces. Additionally, children attending also have access to a variety of school facilities, such as the library, ICT suite and outside areas.

Breakfast club

Breakfast club is available from 7.30am until the start of school and is term time only. Daily rate is £6 per session. During this period, Children are given breakfast, which is served until 8.15 am. Breakfast is usually a choice of cereal, porridge, pancakes, yoghurt and fruit. The activities on offer encourage a calm atmosphere, ensuring a positive start to the school day. At the end of the session, a team member accompanies the KS1 children to their class, while KS2 children proceed to class independently.

After School club

After School Club starts at the end of school until 6pm and is term time only. The daily rate is £13 per session. Children may be collected at any time before 6pm. Our team collect KS1 children from their classrooms and escort them safely to the club. KS2 children arrive independently. Children are given a light meal, followed by a biscuit and fruit. Please refer to the sample below for an overview of our weekly menu. Our menus are mindful of any allergies or food intolerances the children may have.

After snack time, a selection of activities and resources are made available including board games, puzzles, construction toys, dressing up, physical play, sports, reading and Computer time. Additionally, there is also a variety of arts and crafts offered to enhance the children’s overall experience.


The OSC provision is run by Grand Avenue Primary School and adopts all school policies. Please see the policies section of our website for more details. All of our staff are DBS checked and have experience working with children. Training is given and continuing professional development encouraged.


If you would like your child/ children to attend the OSC or need further details please contact the Club at

We look forward to welcoming your child.

Out of School Club Manager - Els Proctor 


Other Wrap around care options

Some of our families choose alternative wrap around care options, such as a childminder or nanny. AfC have a childcare search available via their website and a brokerage service. Follow the links for more information. 

Government subsidies 

There is also information available on ways to pay for childcare. Please see below: