We believe that all members of our school community should behave in an appropriate manner showing respect for each other and property. Through a positive approach, we promote a culture of self-discipline, encouraging children to make the right choices in terms of behaviour both inside and outside the classroom. We have high expectations, enabling children to complete assigned work and to prevent bullying.
Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School aims:
- To create an environment which encourages and reinforces good behaviour.
- To make all children feel happy and safe about coming to school.
- To promote self-esteem, self-discipline and positive relationships.
- To support children to reflect on their own behaviour and the impact on others.
- To encourage consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviours.
- To define acceptable standards of behaviour.
- To ensure that the school's expectations and strategies are widely known and understood.
- To encourage the involvement of both home and school in the implementation of this policy.
As a school, we have agreed on 5 GRAND values. From these we have our 5 GRAND rules:
Generous |
Respectful |
Aspiring |
Neat |
Determined |
I will use kind hands, feet and words |
I will be honest and tell the truth
I will be quiet and well presented when lining up and walking around school |
I will try my best to do my work and not disturb others from doing theirs |
For full information about our approach, please go to our Behaviour Policy in the Policy Section.
Zones of Regulation
A key approach we use is the Zones of Regulation. Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children. All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorised into four coloured zones. Children who are well regulated are able to be in the appropriate zone at the appropriate time.
Staff will implement the use of Zones of Regulation in a variety of ways, such as:
· Using the language of ZoR to model labelling feelings and emotions. This can be as a tool when working with children on emotions or as part of the wider curriculum, i.e. discussing how a child feels about a text or how a historical figure may have felt during an event.
· Talking about the concepts of ZoR as they apply in a variety of environments. For example, staff may make comments aloud so the children understand it is natural that we all experience the different Zones and use strategies to control (or regulate) ourselves. For example, “This is really frustrating me and making me go into the Yellow Zone. I need to use a tool to calm down. I will take some deep breaths.”
· Helping the children gain awareness of their emotions and feelings by pointing out which zone the adult thinks the child may be experiencing.
· Validating which Zone pupils are in and help them choose expected ways to self-regulate so their behaviour is expected for the context.
· Sharing with the child how their behaviour is affecting those around them, i.e. other children and staff, and helping them to identify the Zone and linked emotions.
· Helping children become comfortable using the language to communicate feelings and needs by encouraging the child to share their Zone.
· Showing interest in learning about the child’s triggers and Zones tools. Give reminders to use these tools.
· Offering positive reinforcement for recognising their Zone and managing their behaviours while in it, rather than only pointing out when children are demonstrating unexpected behaviours while in a Zone.
Expectations of Parents
We give high priority to clear communication within the school and to a positive partnership with parents since this is crucial in promoting and maintaining high standards of behaviour.
We expect parents/carers to:
- As early as possible, let the Class Teacher, head of Year or SLT know if there are any concerns.
- To support the Behaviour Policy of Grand Avenue Primary & Nursery School.
- To encourage their child to keep the school GRAND Rules.
- To offer praise to their child if they receive positive verbal or written feedback from staff, a sticker or a certificate.
- To support staff with sanctions and discuss with their child the reasons for them and make it clear what changes in behaviour are required to avoid future sanctions.
- Parents should use social networking sites or messaging groups sites only as a forum to support one another and uphold the strong reputation of the school
- Parents should not post inappropriate comments about the school and its staff, parents or individual children on social networking sites or messaging groups
- Parents should make complaints or share concerns through official school channels rather than posting them on social networking sites or messaging groups.