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Our Governors

hand in hand illustration

The Governors at Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School are all volunteers who give up their time because they care about our school. They work closely with the leadership team and help decide how the money we receive would be best spent in order to realise the goals and ambitions of the school. The Governing Body consists of Parents, Staff, Co-opted Governors and a Local Authority Governor who bring a wide range of skills and expertise from areas such as civil service, communications, banking and of course education and parenting. Much of the work of the Governing Body is conducted via the Committees who specifically focus on Resources and Finance and the Curriculum and Community.

How to contact the Governors

The Clerk to the Governing Body is Lucy Richards and she can be contacted via email at or via the school office. If you would like to contact any of the Governors about a particular issue, please email the Clerk, who will forward your correspondence on to the appropriate Governor. Please be assured that this contact would be treated in confidence.

Are you interested in being a school Governor?

There are five categories of governor:

  • Parent governors are elected by the school parent population. Parents (including carers) of registered pupils at the school are eligible to stand for election as parent governors and can nominate themselves for this role.
  • Staff governors are elected from all people who work at the school. The Head Teacher is automatic, any other staff member is by staff vote
  • Local Authority governors are nominated by the Local Authority but are appointed by the Governing Body
  • Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Body and are individuals who have been identified to have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance of the school
  • Associate members are current staff but this position can also be held by those with specialist knowledge or experience deemed by the Governing Body to be needed generally or in respect of specific projects. They are nominated and approved by the Governing Body but their term of office can vary and they do not have full voting rights

All governors are appointed according to the skills required within the Governing Body and their term of office is normally four years (apart from Associate Members which can be a shorter period of time). A skills audit is undertaken annually.

Please click on the link here to see the dates of forthcoming Governors Meetings

Click here to learn more about the Governor's Voluntary Fund.

Previous Governing Body Meeting Minutes:

The current governors are:

Chair Jenny Gresson

Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair David Magee Parent Governor
  Connor Adams Co-opted Governor
  Shamama-Tul Amber Co-opted Governor
  Michele Harris Co-opted Governor
  Archika Kumar Co-opted Governor
  Alexis Orlovac Co-opted Governor
  Richard Newman Co-opted Governor
  Nicky Bannerman Co-opted Governor
  Angie Edwards Co-opted Governor
  Farah Ahmad Parent Governor
  Fran Sagar Staff Governor 
  Shona Pitcher Headteacher

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Governor profiles

Jenny Gresson

Chair of Full Governing Board, member of Curriculum and Community Committee, member of Headteacher Performance Management Panel, Governor link for Early Years, Pupil Premium Grant, Looked after Children and English; and joint Safeguarding Link governor.

My entire career was spent in education. I was Headteacher of three primary schools in Nottinghamshire and I have taught children in all the primary age groups from 3 - 11, in both special and mainstream schools. During this period, I was the Headteacher representative on the Area Child Protection Group.

Since retiring and moving to Surrey I have retained my interest in and passion for primary education. I chose to become a governor at Grand Avenue Primary School and Nursery because three of my five grandchildren have attended there, the eldest having recently transferred to secondary education.

I believe that my knowledge of primary education and interest in wider educational issues enables me to complement the existing range of skills within the governing body. I also believe that my experience of working in socially deprived areas in a different local authority brings another dimension to our work as governors. I really enjoy visiting the school, talking to the children and meeting members of staff.

I have always been impressed by the exemplary learning behaviour of the children at Grand Avenue. I also recognise and commend the professionalism and commitment of the staff team.

My personal interests include reading, history, music, theatre and dance. I really welcome the change in focus on delivering a broader curriculum to all children. I believe music, drama and dance contribute to children’s personal development and well-being and also have a long-term impact on positive learning in other areas of the curriculum.

I am pleased to be a member of such a hardworking and committed team of governors at Grand Avenue.

David Magee

Member of Full Governing Board and the Curriculum and Community Committee.

My daughter is in reception and I am one of the (new) parent governors.

I am a Senior Civil Servant at the Cabinet Office and have spent my career working to improve public services. I am currently Director of a programme which aims to transform government security. I have experience in setting strategy, leading delivery and keeping teams focussed on a vision.

I am privileged to be a governor and to support Mrs Barrington and her team in continuing to make Grand Avenue the best it can be.


Connor Adams

Member of Full Governing Board and the Resources and Finance Committee

I'm a proud product of the local school system, having grown up in the area. After studying mathematics at university, I've worked as a software developer since 2014, mainly in the finance sector. My passion for education and technology inspired me to lead a primary school Code Club for over three years, introducing children to programming. I've also mentored several STEM students at Brunel University since 2019 and frequently volunteer with Education and Employers at school events. I hope that my skills, experience and enthusiasm can be of value to the school as a governor.

Michelle Harris

Member of Full Governing Board and Curriculum and Community Committee.

I am delighted and privileged to be a Governor at Grand Avenue. I am a retired Social Worker with 40+ years' experience of working in Children's Services. I retired in March 2019. I am passionate about children and families and improving children's outcomes and life chances. I am a trustee of a small voluntary organisation which supports families to get their children ready to start school.

I live locally, have two stepchildren and two grandchildren, one who is at university and younger one at primary school. I am looking forward to working with everyone.

Archika Kumar

Member of Full Governing Board and the Resources and Finance Committee

I am a trained architect working in a London local authority regenerating Council estates, building social housing and good quality living environments.

I believe every child has innate abilities and talents which should be encouraged, nurtured and supported to enable them to fulfil their full potential. I am passionate about ensuring every child has equitable opportunity to learn and grow happily.

I look forward to bringing my skills and experience but above all my passion to the Governing Body, working with them in supporting school’s Senior Leaderships Team to enable every child to become the best version of themselves.


Nicky Bannerman 

I am a Pre School Special Needs Speech and Language Therapist with lots of experience of the primary education system. I have spent the last six years working as SENCo in a small nursery setting and loved seeing the children grow, change and progress during the years they spent with us. I was involved in the creation of the first intergenerational nursery a few years in an old age home in Wandsworth and love to see how it is thriving and benefitting both the youngsters and the oldies and the local community!

I have lived locally all my life and my three teenagers all go to school nearby. I can mainly be found driving them around morning, noon and night to a variety of exciting activities!! I love being part of a school community both as a professional and parent so really look forward to getting to know Grand Avenue.


Richard Newman

Member of Full Governing Board, the Resources and Finance Committee and the Pay Review Committee.

I have a long association with Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School - both of my children went there and my granddaughter is now a pupil.

I am a retired Financial Services senior manager with experience in project management, working in partnership, operational management, Human Resources and people management. I am a committed team player and am motivated by the development of people.

Family values and a positive outlook are important to me and since retirement I have sought to support the local community, charities and the RFU. I enjoy sports and encourage fairness and participation.

Angie Edwards


Alexis Orlovac

Alexis Orlovac Member of Full Governing Board and Vice Chair of the Curriculum and Community Committee.

Working in school I have first-hand experience of the education system and knowledge of teaching and learning, and I am committed to ensuring every child receives the very best education. I have 27 years teaching experience, with a specialism in teaching primary Science and Maths. Over the last 10 years I have been an active member of our SLT team, leading on assessment and more recently taking up the role of Deputy Head of Teaching and Learning.

I am a full-time working mum with three sporty teenagers so I can often be found on the side of a football, rugby pitch or basketball court at the weekends. Grand Avenue will always have a special place in my heart having been a parent there for 14 years. I am really looking forward to being involved again with the school community.


Shona Pitcher

Headteacher and member of the Resources and Finance Committee

Designated Teacher for Child Protection