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Parent Forum

What is the Parent Forum?

The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement.

The aims of the Parent Forum will be to:

· Work together to improve the education provided for our children

· Share information, knowledge and skills

· Meet in a mutually supportive environment

· Further improve communications between parent/carers and staff

Who can be part of the parent forum?

Any parent/carer is welcome to attend any parent forum meeting. The forum will be chaired by Mrs Pitcher, the headteacher and we hope to have at least one parent representative from each class. At times, other members of the school community will also attend the meeting, depending on the agenda items.

How often will the Parent Forum meet?

There will be a meeting each term.

What will be discussed at the meetings?

Anything related to improving the school and further developing the partnership between home and school. The meetings will be informal and are an opportunity for an open discussion. Minutes of the meetings are accessible on the school’s website.

Prior to each forum meeting, parents have the opportunity to submit their questions to Mrs Pitcher via a link provided, or anonymously (if preferred) via Class reps/Class rep coordinators.

What cannot be discussed at the meetings?

Concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff. These issues should be raised with the class teacher, Head of Year or Senior Leadership Team.

Why should I be part of the Parent Forum?

It gives you an opportunity to get together on a regular basis with other parents to have your say on what the school is doing well, and suggest ideas of how things could be improved.

How can I contribute to the work of the Parent Forum?

Contact your Class rep or the Class Rep co-ordinators. You can also contact the school office and we can pass your details on to the relevant team.