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Our Pupils

At Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School, we aim to provide a creative an enjoyable environment for learning, where every child’s natural curiosity is nurtured and the thrill and awe of discovery shared. We work hard to ensure every success is celebrated and to provide an atmosphere where children are excited by learning.

Our aspiration for each child is that they should leave us with:

  • Happy enduring memories of their Primary School years
  • Excellent levels of Literacy and Numeracy
  • The skills for learning independently and collaboratively
  • The desire to embrace diversity and the confidence to share their own beliefs
  • Broad knowledge and understanding of a variety of subjects
  • Confident social skills
  • The determination to succeed, to continue to grow, develop and reach for their own aspirations
  • Knowledge that they have had the opportunity to participate in their community in a variety of ways, in accordance with their universal rights

At Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School every child enjoys success and we support children in creating their own opportunities, fostering a sense that through hard work and determination, anything is possible.

We are very proud of the opportunities we provide for our children to take on meaningful leadership roles in school, from School Council members to Eco Champions to Mental Health Ambassadors. In these roles, throughout our school, children learn to lead with confidence. They voice their ideas, drive change, and develop essential life skills in the process.


School Council

Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states that:

…every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. This principle recognises children and young people as actors in their own lives and applies at all times throughout a child's life.’ (UNICEF)

School Council provides an excellent opportunity for children to explore how they can actively participate in changing and improving the community in which they spend much of their time.  Comprised of student representatives from different year groups, the school council provides a forum where pupils can voice their concerns, suggest improvements, and engage actively in the school’s decision-making process and drive change. They become more aware of the part they play in smooth running of the school. 

Elections for the Council are an example for students of democracy in action.  Children who choose to run for Council write their own manifesto, presenting it to their class before voting.  Members are therefore elected by their peers, and they work alongside staff to implement initiatives that benefit the whole school community. By participating in the School Council, pupils develop valuable life skills such as leadership, communication, persuasion, problem-solving, taking responsibility and teamwork.

This year, School Council will, amongst other projects, be working on creating children-friendly versions of the School Development Plan and the Behaviour Policy to make them more accessible for young learners.  They will hold regular lunchtime meetings with a clear agenda and represent the views of their classmates, just as MPs do in Parliament for their constituents.  Activities in UK Parliament Week will support their work. The Councillors will also have the opportunity to take part in subcommittees in order to focus on a specific area of interest and collaborate with the Champions in that area.

Children as Leaders – Champion Roles and Team Captains

Leadership roles for children can greatly enhance their sense of responsibility, improve their communication skills, and provide them with valuable experiences that contribute to their personal development. At Grand Avenue Primary and Nursery School, we offer many Champion roles in which children can assist staff in the running of departments, curriculum areas and the school environment.  This year, roles include helping in the School Office, PE, Outdoor Learning, the School Library (both indoor and outdoor), Phonics and the Eco team.  Children can also be appointed as Mental Health Ambassadors, assisting other children within school as well as representing the school at conferences.

Each of our six Houses also has a leadership team, voted for by the Year 6 pupils.  The Houses each have a Captain and a Vice Captain.  These children are the figureheads of their team and understand the responsibility that comes with the badge.  They do a brilliant job in collecting the team points each week, in bringing the teams together to celebrate success and being role models to others.  They will also often be the most vocal at Sports Day!  This year, the group represented the School at the Service of Thanksgiving for the staff of the Crown Courts in All Saints’ Church in Kingston: a fitting role for their part in maintaining the Rule of Law in the community.

Peer Mediators and Playground Buddies

Peer mediators and playground buddies play an integral role in creating a positive and supportive atmosphere in the school playground, which contributes to the overall well-being of pupils. Whilst adults are always on duty to maintain safety at break times, many children benefit from additional support in the playground. Peer Mediators are Year 5 pupils who are trained to help their peers resolve conflicts in a non-confrontational and constructive manner.  They volunteer to spend time with children who have encountered challenges with each other and use their skills to help them overcome these difficulties.  Playground Buddies are pupils who help ensure that playtime is inclusive and fun for everyone.  They lead games with younger children, helping some of the more shy members of our community to ensure that they have had an enjoyable break from their class-based learning and return refreshed and ready to learn.