Home Learning
Our policy at Grand Avenue is to set regular Home Learning according to the age and ability of each child. We believe that Home Learning is an essential part of education. Home Learning is defined as activities work or research which pupils can do at home.
We believe that home learning is valuable because it can:
- develop a pupil’s ability to work independently
- reinforce skills taught in the classroom
- encourage self-organisation and self-motivation
- strengthen links between school and home
- establish work patterns that need to be developed at secondary school and in later life
- promote the enjoyment of reading
- promote a sense of responsibility
Parental Support
We believe that at an early age the value of Home Learning can be greatly enhanced by the attitude and commitment of parents. Parental support is essential and thus Home Learning is included in the Home /School partnership agreement, signed by all families on admission to school.
We ask families to promote an attitude of positive encouragement towards Home Learning.
We advise that a regular time is set aside at home and a quiet place to work provided.
Laptops can be provided by the school for vulnerable families.
Parents can help their children in a number of ways by:
- taking an interest in the Home Learning set
- ensuring child can logon to any websites required, e.g. Mathletics
- praising the child for attempting/completing the home learning
- checking spellings in written work
- testing what needs to be learnt, e.g. tables, spellings
- listening to the child read and responding to the content of the book
- visiting the local library/museum
- providing a suitable quiet place for Home Learning
- encouraging the child to complete Home Learning in time given and to return it on due date
- revising previous spellings and tables
- encouraging and supporting independent research